Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just Jump In!

Just Jump In!
This week we are continuing to study Living Beyond Myself, and Sunday we learn the best method to begin such a lifestyle it to "Just jump in!" Different opportunities in life require and function best when we contemplate, test, and discuss options. I'm speaking of things like, purchasing a new car, considering schools/universities/careers, changing jobs, or even deciding where to go eat. Each of these tasks are best performed when significant thought and planning is given to the opportunities before action is taken. (especially the place to eat... :))

"Just jump in" addresses the issue that very often in the Christian life we can wish, think, and plan that one day we will begin serving or one day we will go and do "x." One of our ministers on staff is known for saying, "if you wait for perfect timing, nothing will ever get done." How true in regards to following Christ. God calls us to follow Him regardless if we think we are ready or prepared or have it all in line... how often in Scripture does he call those who are seemingly ill-equiped, not ready, too young, etc to do the work he desires to be done. God's call is to act, not just think, plan and prepare.

Sign-up this week at the Expo for a great opportunity to volunteer at Calvary or simply think of a way you can serve others in the community and go do it. Our goal as a church is not that you would simply fill a need here (though there are plenty) but that we would each have a shift in perspective and begin to think and act in ways that cause us to live beyond ourselves.

See you Sunday!


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