Friday, October 2, 2009

Getting Wise on Evil

Imagine with me for a moment… You’re friend just unintentionally or intentionally insulted you, what now? You wake up in the morning a little earlier than normal, do you turn the TV on or do you pick up the Bible to hear from the Holy Spirit? Your month long project at work was just belittled and thrown out the window for “apparently” no reason, how do you respond? A co-worker was promoted faster than you, than should have been, how do you respond? Anger, resentment, jealousy, lust, covetousness, etc. Insert your own struggle, hurt, or pain, here…the list could go on…

Every day we are confronted with life situations and temptations that present options, choices, and opportunities that serve one of two purposes. They serve a selfish reason, or they serve a godly reason. They will benefit the kingdom of God or the kingdom of self. This Sunday, in Bible study at 10am, we will study a lesson entitled Getting Wise on Evil.

In Romans 1:25, Paul describes the situation of those who have given in to evil as those who have “exchanged the truth of God for a lie.” When we look at the story of Adam and Eve, we see the first example of this common everyday scenario. Satan presented to Eve a truth claim contrary to that of God’s when he said, “did God really say, you must not…” How often do we hear that same lie? That lie that says, “you will find fulfillment if you…?” or “does Scripture really say that you need to…?” or “is all of Scripture really reliable…?”

We think Satan is so creative and deceptive in his schemes. He’s not! He spreads the same lies he always has since the beginning of time… that God’s Word is insufficient, that His message is misleading, and that life is NOT found in Him.

God’s word is the source of truth and life! His word is clear, reliable, and life-giving. If you think it’s not, know that God even gives it to those of us "simple minded folk" in such a way that we can understand… for example, Jesus boiled all of the law down to two main ideas: love God and love people. How much more basic can you get? If you remember nothing else, remember that!

So this post keeps getting longer and longer, I need to stop, for your sake and mine… I challenge you to know Christ, know his Word, and know life in Him. Romans 12:2 says, “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This only comes through diligent study of His word, both in community with believers (in small group settings and in large church worship services), but even more so in personal devotional study throughout each week.

I dare you to try it… read his Word today, start in Romans, start in John, start in Galatians… start somewhere, but read his Word… be renewed and be transformed… and get wise on (overcoming) evil in the process.

See you Sunday!


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